Shooting sculpture in the wild
The Large Huts, by Christina Mackie. Photo by Morsal from Regent's Park community College
A few days ago I revisited the New Art Centre in East Winterslow, Wiltshire. I’d met with Lucy Salisbury the Education Co-ordinator back in September and since then we have been discussing running a series of Big Art Mob workshops at the centre with school students.
This was the first of the series and I expected a few local kids – but no, they had bussed them in all the way from Southampton to spend a day out of school devoted to art! After introductions from Lucy and myself, the group of girls from Regent’s Park Community College, the Head of Art and one of the Deputy Headteachers were treated to a tour of the grounds at Roche Court by staff and a volunteer. During their tour, they photographed many of the fantastic works of art on view and we posted them to the Big Art Mob site with the students' comments.
Jonty Archibald, Deputy Headteacher at Regent’s Park and an ex Art and Design Chief Examiner and senior art moderator was very keen on the whole Big Art Mob concept and says:
'Modern technologies like mobile phones should be encouraged to enable students record and develop ideas. Current mobile phones have high quality resolution for both still and moving images. Modern technologies should be used alongside other forms of recording: drawing, painting, photography, sculpture and writing.’
It seems that this can even fit in well with GCSE work. He continues,
‘There are clear assessment objectives used in marking art work, and images created using modern technogies can be assessed against typical examination objectives like 'Record observations, experiences and ideas that are appropriate to intentions' (from Edexcel GSCE assessment objectives).'
It was great to hear someone in the teaching profession being so positive about the kind of thing Big Art Mob can offer and I really enjoyed my visit. The sculpture on show in the grounds was well presented and nicely complemented by a stunning exhibition of contemporary photographic work in the gallery. I'm pretty sure that both the New Art Centre staff and the school group enjoyed themselves too. We certainly got some great images onto the site. The students really thought about what they were photographing and how best to compose their images. Fortunately the tour of the grounds and the Moblogging were completed before the heavens opened and Wiltshire got a good soaking! See more at the Regent’s Park Community College group page.
Nick Pearson
Big Art Project website manager
Labels: art education, New Art Centre, Regents Park Community College, sculpture
posted by Nick @ 3:14 PM
It was a wonderful event, of great educational value for student and teacher. It extended the potential of art appreciation and introduced a new way of looking for the students.
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